Team Worx
Stress Less-Be Sharp through Thought
Leadership Coaching
Organisational Wellness Instrument


Whether you need to improve leadership coaching, effective communication, conflict management, stress management, team management or team morale in your company, DARE has the corporate programme for you. Learn about the critical factors essential for success and productivity, as well as the unique individual thought preferences that link to your stress related brain functioning.

DARE offers training courses, assessments and coaching to:

  • corporate individuals
  • business teams
  • Leaders (development)

Vision Statement: To equip, inspire and support leaders.
Mission Statement: Training, consulting and coaching to reach purpose driven goals.

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    Course Duration: 2 Hours

    DEBRIEF and meaningful emotional discharge are essential.

    Experience in this field of Psychology has taught me that staff (actually, all of us) have learned to just “cope” in such a way that we do not really pay attention to our emotional well-being and reckon that it is not a priority. Especially people who tend to suppress emotion in times of stress and pressure. Oh, and who among us would just decide to see a counsellor or Psychologist if we were simply experiencing anxiety or stress? This ignorance in our society often leads to burnout which results in extremely unproductive functioning. Then we are surprised when we suddenly get ill or get some strange reaction in our bodies. That’s why a workshop is an answer. The workshop is unique and provides knowledge and insight into the processes that each worker is confronted with and creates emotional stability. Staff suddenly have the opportunity to defuse underlying emotions and they realize that they are not alone in their experiences and emotions of uncertainty, anxiety, frustration, loss and trauma. It transforms the workplace into a healthy environment where employees and employers can work diligently, creatively and productively. It creates an emotionally secure work environment, where challenges are welcomed.

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    Debrief Testimonials

    See feedback on debriefings:

    Video Feedback of Martha

    © DARE trading cc

    Course Duration: 2 Days

    The challenge for every team is to work together effectively, to reach deadlines and maintain good working relationships. Because of this it is important for team members to understand that every person has his / her own unique way of thinking. When there is understanding and knowledge of the difference in thought processes of team members, there can be effective communication, trust and increased productivity. Attendees will gain insight and knowledge about typical thinking and stress patterns within the team. They will learn what their own stress patterns and thinking preferences are and compare it with those of the team. The knowledge and insight that each attendee receives about brain functioning, conflict management and effective communication ensures that expert teams are built and sound thinking processes are established.

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    Course Objectives

    At the end of this course the attendees will be able to:

    • Implement the knowledge and insight attained through the course regarding the differences in thinking and stress functioning between team members which will benefit productivity, motivation, communication, conflict management, team collaboration and stress management;
    • Identify and use behavioural tools to manage the differences in thinking preferences of team members to ensure effective communication;
    • Manage the different brain functioning during stress profiles to prevent and manage conflict;
    • Implement behavioural tools and managing of thought to build an expert team.
    Team Worx Diagram


    • Team collaboration
    • Direct communication
    • Stress management
    • Productivity
    • Inspired and motivated teams
    • Purposeful outcomes
    • Conflict management

    Who Should Attend This Course

    • The complete project team.
    • Any professionals that closely collaborate with a project team.

    © DARE trading cc

    Course Duration: 2 Days

    Serious time constraints, different communication channels to various stakeholders, and sometimes a very stressful environment are stressors that can lead to unproductive results, miscommunication, conflict, poor memory and symptoms of burn- out. To be productive, requires a purposeful team that can effectively collaborate and communicate. The individual team members can function sufficiently when they each understand their role and respect each other’s roles. Any miscommunication or conflict hinders the process to deliver quality work, wastes time and energy, causes team members to lose focus and lead to demotivation and unproductivity. It boils down to the fact that relationships cause most of the stress in the work environment.

    The main cause of miscommunication and conflict is stress. Therefore, it is vital for every person who forms part of any project team or workplace to gain knowledge and insight into the differences between his / her own and others’ thinking patterns and stress functioning.  Behavioural tools to manage stress effectively and successfully is essential for team collaboration and productivity.

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    Course Objectives

    At the end of this course the attendees will be able to:

    • understand own and others brain functioning during stress;
    • use the knowledge of brain functioning during stress and thought preferences as a tool to manage conflict and miscommunication;
    • use thought preferences as foundation to manage and establish positive thought patterns;
    • use behavioural tools to conquer stress;
    • be able to concentrate;
    • manage time effectively;
    • be emotionally intelligent;
    • ensure a chemical balance in the brain for energy and focused productivity;
    • manage thoughts for motivation and productive outcomes;
    • change the work environment and team dynamics to ensure team collaboration
    Stress Less – Be Sharp Diagram


    • To manage and conquer stress.
    • Productivity
    • Team collaboration
    • Conflict and communication management

    Who Should Attend This Course

    • Any professional that is part of a project team.
    • Any professional that needs to conquer and manage stress in their work environment.

    © DARE trading cc

    Coaching Session Duration: 1 hour – Individual Session / Group of 4-8 individuals

    Coaching is a non-judgemental, completely confidential and safe process that will help leaders to take action and optimise their focus and productivity through creating awareness of different perspectives and alternative solutions. A coach supports the leader to be effective, productive and successful. Coaching is not mentoring/ counselling or consulting. Coaching is a thought provoking, creative, solution orientated process that inspires and maximise personal and professional potential.

    Leadership coaching ensures an effective and productive leadership approach with the ability to apply focussed realistic action plans. Leadership coaching uses thinking preferences and stress functioning to address the unique focus of the action plan that the leader formulated.
    We only use accredited International Coaches (ICF).

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    Coaching Objectives

    At the end of the coaching session the leader will be able to:

    • implement an action plan to reach specific goals;
    • have clarity about different options and perspectives to reach a solution for his/her specific needs;
    • be focussed and productive;
    • purposefully address the issue that he/she was coached about;
    • have more clarity in his/her thinking.


    • To inspire, support and coach leaders to reach purpose driven goals.

    Who Should Receive Coaching

    • Business leaders.

    © Neethling Brain Instrument

    Evaluation and Feedback Duration: According to the time slots and needs of stakeholders and the amount of employees that need to complete the questionnaire

    Participants complete an internet questionnaire and results are immediate.
    Is your organisation healthy? A healthy organisation can be defined as one that is growing and achieving success. A healthy organisation further refers to a workplace where employees and employers trust each other, everyone is allowed to learn and grow, the environment is relaxed and humour is part of the culture, language is constructive and uplifting, each one takes ownership of the business, the atmosphere is energetic and dynamic, change being embraced and interaction is effective and supportive. It is a workplace that is creative and innovative where communication is effective and stimulating. If this is not what your organization looks like, we can help!

    Any organisation can reach stagnation or become unhealthy. The Neethling Wellness Instrument (NWL) is part of the Neethling Brain Instruments (NBI®), which makes a measurement of the current situation in the organisation. Ten factors that are essential for success in an organisation are measured. All negative factors can be addressed by DARE with training or coaching that is uniquely developed for the needs of your organisation.

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    Survey Objectives

    Once the survey has been completed and the results drawn, one can:

    • Identify the critical wellness factors.
    • Identify below the line thinking and behaviour (degrees of dying!).
    • Identify above the line thinking and behaviour (degrees of growing!).
    • Discover specific causes of problems.
    • Create a flowing organisation rather than a stagnating organisation.
    • Regain organisational wellness.
    • Put wellness strategies into place.
    • Monitor the sustainable passion and energy of the organisation.
    • Measure changes by company, department, level, division or location.


    • A measuring instrument to determine whether an organisation is healthy, growing and achieving success.

    Who Should Use This Instrument

    • All organisations that want to ensure recurring success and growth.
    Stress less – Be sharp diagram
    Cost of Courses and Services

    Success Stories

    (Read more testimonials)

    Course Completed: Teamworx

    “I understand my co-workers better, as well as my husband. I can use the information to improve my work and social situations. I have learned how my brain works (what parts I use and what it means). It was very interesting to know how I and my colleagues function. The training was great and I was alert all the time. It was kept interesting and there were a lot of interaction”

    Maike Prinsloo
    Zambezi Animal Hospital

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    Course Completed: Team Worx and Stress-less-Be Sharp Through Thought

    “I found the Dare process to be very helpful to guide the interactions in the team, and to have a clear understanding of how team members would respond under stress. After the findings made during the Dare analyses, we managed to function significantly better as a team, acknowledging weaknesses and strengths and building on better communication. It was also very helpful to understand in which aspects of career and job guidance the staff would require management input. This de-complicated my role as manager significantly.”

    Bioeq Energy

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    Course Completed: Teamworx

    “Ek as persoon het meer geleer oor hoe om beter met ander mense te werk en om hulle te verstaan. Baie oor my persoonlike foute en swak punte geleer. Ek wil begin om daardeur te werk en te verbeter. Ek dink dit was ‘n wonderlike sessie en dat ek baie hieruit geleer het en dit nou saam met my kan vorentoe neem.”

    Gerrit Bezuidenhout
    World Focus (Lephalale)

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